AA Extensions (#607)
identifies extensions to which PARTNER
Attendants are connected. This lets the system notify users with display
phones when they are receiving a call that has been transferred from the
PARTNER Attendant. Also, Transfer Return Extension (#306) lets you
identify the extension to which a call transferred by the PARTNER
Attendant should be routed if the destination extension does not answer.
The call reporting device uses the following procedures:
SMDR Record Type (#608) specifies the type of calls that you want to
record for call reporting—either all calls or outgoing calls only.
SMDR Top of Page (#609) notifies the system that the printer has
been aligned to the top of a new page.
SMDR Output Format (#610) identifies whether a maximum of 15
digits or 24 digits is printed for dialed numbers on the call report.
SMDR Talk Time (#611) specifies whether or not the call report
includes the Talk field, which records the time a user spends on an
incoming outside call—from the time the user answers the call to the
time the call is disconnected from the system.
Account Code Entry lets users enter account codes for outside
telephone calls (incoming or outgoing); if used, the account codes are
included on the call report.
The voice messaging system uses the following procedures:
Hunt Group Extensions (#505)
assigns the extensions associated
with the voice messaging system hardware to Hunt Group 7—the VMS
Hunt Group.
Group Call Distribution (#206)
assigns lines to the VMS Hunt Group
so calls can ring directly into the voice messaging system and receive
Automated Attendant Service.
Line Coverage Extension (#208)
identifies an extension as the owner
of a specific outside line so calls on that line can ring directly into the
owner’s voice mailbox when either
Automatic VMS Cover (#310)
VMS Cover
is on at the owner’s extension.
Automatic VMS Cover (#310)
determines whether or not an
extension’s unanswered intercom and transferred calls and outside
calls on lines assigned ownership are automatically covered by the
voice messaging system.
VMS Cover Rings (#117) specifies the number of times intercom and
transferred calls or outside calls on lines assigned ownership ring at
extensions before they are sent to the voice messaging system.
VMS Hunt Delay (#506) determines when outside calls should be
answered by the Automated Attendant Service of the voice messaging
system. You can set the system for either immediate call handling or
delayed call handling. The setting you select is used for both day and
night operation.
VMS Hunt Schedule (#507) determines when outside calls should
ring the VMS Hunt Group (always, day only, or night only) depending
on the status of the
Night Service Button (#503)
at extension 10.