
Caller ID Name Display ID-Name F16
When a user at a display phone is on a call on a line that has Caller ID information
available, this feature lets the user switch between the caller’s telephone number
(the default display) and the caller’s name (if available). When the feature is active—
indicating that the caller’s name should be displayed—the button light is on.
Conference Drop Drop F06
Drops the last outside party added to a conference call.
Contact Closure 1
CC1 f41
Allows user to activate Contact Closure 1. User must belong to Contact Closure
Group. See Form B1.
Contact Closure 2
CC2 f42
Allows user to activate Contact Closure 2. User must belong to Contact Closure
Group. See Form B1.
Direct Line Pickup—Active Line DLPA
Allows the user to access a ringing, active, or held call on a line that is not assigned
to the extension. Direct Line Pickup is subject to Line Access Restrictions
programmed for the extension.
Direct Line Pickup—Idle Line DLPI
Allows the user to access an idle (non-busy) line that is not assigned to the
extension. Direct Line Pickup is subject to Line Access Restrictions programmed for
the extension.
Do Not Disturb
Prevents calls from ringing at the extension. When the feature is active, the button
light is on. Intercom calls get a busy signal, and outside callers hear ringing. Use
only if someone else answers the extension’s outside calls.
If VMS Cover and Do Not Disturb are both active, intercom, transferred, and outside
calls on owned lines go directly to the extension’s voice mailbox. If Call Coverage
and Do Not Disturb are both active, intercom, transferred, and outside calls on lines
assigned ownership go directly to the covering extension.
Exclusive Hold ExHold
Places a call on hold and prevents other extensions with the line from picking it up.
Group Calling—Page GCallP-
g i*7 g
Places a voice-signaled intercom call to all extensions in the designated Calling
Group (no transfer capability). The caller is connected to the first extension that
answers. g = 1–4
Group Calling—Ring GCall-
g i7 g
Places a ringing intercom call to all extensions in the designated Calling Group. The
caller is connected to the first extension that answers. Also can be used to transfer
a call to an extension in the group. g = 1–4
Manual Signaling—Ring MS-xx F13 xx
Beeps the designated extension. If the user presses i first, pressing the button
places a ringing intercom call to the extension, or transfers a call. If on a button with
lights, the lights show calling activity at the destination extension.
Manual Signaling—Voice Signal
MSVS-xx F13* xx
Beeps the designated extension. If the user presses i first, pressing the button
places a voice-signaled intercom call to the extension, or transfers a call with a
voice-signaled announcement. If on a button with lights, the lights show calling
activity at the destination extension.
Dial-Code Features
Account Code Entry ACE F12
Allows the user to enter an account code for a call by pressing the button, entering
up to 16 digits for the account code, then pressing the button again. If on a button
with lights, the lights show when the feature is in use.
Background Music
Music F19
Turns background music on and off at the speaker of an idle system phone. If on a
button with lights, the lights show when the feature is in use.
Call Coverage Cover-xx xx F20 xx xx
(ACS R2.0 or later only)
Directs all intercom, transferred, and outside calls on lines
assigned ownership to the designated extension. You may program originating and
covering extension numbers on the button. If on a button with lights, the lights show
when the feature is in use.
Call Forwarding/Call Follow-me
CF-xx xx F11 xx xx
Forwards all calls to the designated extension. Unless Do Not Disturb is on, phone
beeps once each time a call is forwarded. You may program originating and
destination extension numbers on the button. If on a button with lights, the lights
show when the feature is in use.
Call Park Park
i xx
Parks a call at a specific extension so it can be picked up from any other extension.
Call Pickup Pickup-
xx i6 xx
Picks up a ringing or parked call at the designated extension.
Caller ID Inspect
ID-Inspect F17
When a user at a display phone is already on a call, this feature shows Caller ID
information for another line (if Caller ID information is available on that line), without
disconnecting the current call or putting it on hold. When the feature is active, the
button light is on.
Caller ID Call Logging and Dialing ID-Logs
(ACS R2.0 or later only)
Users at a display phone, can access a Caller ID log to
ascertain caller’s phone numbers automatically. When a user has logged calls, the
word CALLS displays.