Hardware Installation
3-30 Issue 5 June 1999
Cell Antenna Unit
Be sure to install the CAUs first and then wire back to the appropriate WFBs.
The CAU is an optional remote antenna that connects to a WFB to expand the
coverage area. A maximum of four CAUs can be connected to a single WFB.
Each CAU can be located as far as 100 cable feet from its associated WFB. Each
CAU is connected to and powered by a WFB via a Lucent Technologies
proprietary interface. Placement of the CAUs is based on the information provided
by the installation map.
Indoor and outdoor CAUs are available. Indoor CAUs include the basic “indoor”
CAU and the 559D Dipole CAU (DCAU).
It is recommended that you use the
559D DCAU for new indoor installations. Also, if an “indoor” CAU is already
in place, replace it with a 559D DCAU
Outdoor CAUs include the 559B Outdoor CAU and the 559C Outdoor CAU.
It is
recommended that you use the 559C Outdoor CAU for new outdoor
installations. Also, if a 559B Outdoor CAU is already in place, replace it with
a 559C Outdoor CAU.
Procedure: Installing Indoor CAUs
The following procedure provides the steps necessary to install an indoor CAU.
There are two methods for mounting CAU(s). Use the following table to find the
specific steps based on the particular configuration.
CAUs must not be mounted within one meter of one another to conform to
the FCC Part 15 Rules.