INTUITY Multimedia Messaging User’s Guide
585-310-748 Issue 2
January 1997
Page 23Record and Send Messages
Enhanced Delivery Options
When you have created/addressed a message and are ready to send, several delivery
options are available. Select any of the following:
Review delivery options
Make your message private. (Press again to undo.)
The person receiving a private message can’t forward it.
The system cannot deliver a private message to an e-mail user.
Make your message priority (if available). (Press again to undo.)
The system places a priority message in a mailbox ahead of all
other messages, regardless of when the other messages were
Schedule delivery. (Press again to undo.)
To schedule delivery:
a. Enter the delivery time (405 = 4:05).
b. Enter ( ) for AM or ( ) for PM and press .
c. Enter month and day of delivery (502 = May 2nd) and press
d. Press to approve or (or ) to start over.
You should schedule delivery of messages to enhanced lists for
off-peak hours, for example, at 10:00 p.m. or 4:00 a.m. That way,
delivery of messages will not conflict with other user-generated
File a copy. (Press again to undo.)
Include a fax (only if you are calling from a telephone attached to a fax
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