
MERLIN LEGENDCommunications System Release 6.1
System Planning
Issue 1
August 1998
Page 4-38Group-Assigned Features
3. Under the Primary Delay Announcement heading, do
of the following:
If there are no announcement devices, check the No box and
proceed to Step 4.
To designate one or more announcement devices, check the second
box and write the extension numbers for the devices in the space
provided (see Form 2a or 2b).
4. Under the Secondary Delay Announcement heading, do
of the
If there is no secondary announcement device, check the No box
and proceed to Step 5.
To designate a secondary announcement device, check the second
box and write the extension number for the device in the space
provided (see Form 2a or 2b). Also do the following:
Write in the desired Delay Interval between the primary
announcement and the secondary announcement in
seconds. The Delay Interval is also the time between repeats
of the Secondary Announcement, if the Repeat
Announcement option is set.
As a rule the Delay Interval should never be set less than the
length (in seconds) of the secondary announcement. Ideally,
the Delay Interval should be a multiple of the secondary
announcement’s length, based on the anticipated number of
calls in the queue. For example, if the secondary
announcement length is 10 seconds and five calls are
expected to be in the queue during busy times, then the
Delay Interval should be 50 seconds. For more information
on optimizing the settings for announcements, see the
Feature Reference
If you want the secondary announcement to repeat
continuously after the Announcement Delay Interval, then
check the Yes box next to Repeat Announcement. Otherwise
check the No box.
5. To designate a telephone to receive message-waiting indications for the
group, do
of the following under the Message-Waiting Receiver
heading on Form 7d (page 2):
To assign no receiver, check the No box.
To assign a receiver, check the second box and write the extension
number of the message-waiting receiver (see Form 2a).