
DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2
Administrator’s Guide
Issue 1
April 2000
Features and technical reference
1314Crisis Alert
The crisis alert call uses 2-4 trunks; 1 trunk for the actual call and 1-3
trunks to notify the pager(s) depending on the number of
administered pagers.
Information about the alert can be viewed on the history report printed at the
journal printer and the emergency log.
Only one crss-alert button is allowed per attendant console or digital
Consoles without a crss-alert button do not receive emergency notification.
If a user attempts to make an emergency call, but all trunks are busy, this
call will not generate an alert. If Outgoing Trunk Queuing is enabled for a
trunk group, the call will queue, but will not generate an alert.
Centralized Attendant Service
If CAS is enabled, the alert still goes to the local attendant.
Tenant Partitioning
If tenant partitioning is active, attendants only receive emergency
notification from callers within their partition. If there is no attendant
assigned to a partition from which an emergency call originates, the switch
still sends a record of the call to the journal printer.
Terminal Self Administration
Those users who have the ability to administer their own phones do not
have the ability to disable a crisis alert button.