Using the Display, Softkeys and Display
Control Buttons
If you are using an 8405D or 8405D Plus voice terminal, the following information
will help you use the display, the softkeys, and the display control buttons.
The softkeys are the four keys labeled with arrows ( ) located directly below
the display. The four display control buttons, labeled , ,
and are located under the softkeys. Figure 5 shows the location of the
softkeys in relation to the display above the softkeys and the display control buttons
below them.
Figure 5. The Display, Softkeys, and Display Control Buttons
Menu Exit
Display control buttons
NextPrevMenu Exit
Entering Softkey Mode and Viewing the Three Feature Option Screens
There are three separate feature option screens. Each of these screens allows you to
select from four different features.
You can enter Softkey Mode by pressing the display option button labeled .
The following is an example of a feature option screen.
The top line of each feature option screen shows you the status of each of the four
features. An arrow appears above the name of the feature if that feature is active. If
there is no arrow above the feature, the feature is not active. In the above example,
the Automatic Callback feature is active because there is an arrow above that
feature abbreviation.
Note: If the feature requires you to dial a telephone number or extension, such as
Call Forwarding, you will temporarily see the digits you are dialing, rather than the
arrow, above the feature name.