DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-728DUP-CHL (Duplication Interface)
5. Use the
status spe
command to determine if
Standby Refreshed?
Mode: standby
is displayed.
If the standby is refreshed,
a hard switch will not affect customer
service. Continue with step 6.
If the standby is not refreshed,
you will need to execute a hard
switch that
affect customer service (by at least dropping current
calls). Notify the customer and establish a time to perform this
disruptive maintenance.
6. Hard switch into the standby SPE by moving both SPE Select switches to
the position that selects the standby SPE as active.
■ If the interchange was successful, replace the standby DUPINT
using the replacement procedure for the standby DUPINT.
Replacing the Duplication Interface
Interconnecting Cable
This procedure is used after replacing both DUPINT circuit packs has failed to
resolve the duplication channel failure.
1. Use the
busyout spe-standby
command to lower the standby State of
Health to partially functional to prevent an unwanted interchange during
the Duplication Interconnecting cable replacement and testing.
2. Manually lock the active SPE. This is done by moving the SPE select
switches located on the front of the DUPINTs to positions where they are
both selecting the current active SPE.
3. Whenever locking the SPE,
verify that the active PPN Tone/Clock is
in the active SPE carrier
doing any repair activity on the standby
SPE carrier such as powering down. Enter
status port-network 1
check which clock is active. Remove power from the standby SPE carrier
by pulling the power cords located on both sides of the carrier.
must be removed from the standby carrier. If power is not removed
from the standby SPE carrier before the interconnecting cable is
disconnected, an interchange to the standby SPE will occur, causing
disruption of customer service.
4. Examine the cable and associated connectors for obvious problems.
Check for broken or bent pins, and repair or replace before installing the
new cable.
This cable interconnects the powered down standby and the active
carriers. Use extreme caution. Shorting pins can cause the active
SPE to fail. Consider replacing this cable during periods of light
traffic or, ideally, when both carriers are powered down (system out
of service).