
5-4 Lucent Technologies Inc.
Instant USB
Preliminary Data Sheet, Rev. 5
1284 Bridge September 1999
Pin Information (continued)
Table 1. Pin Descriptions (continued)
Pin Symbol* Type Name/Description
9 VDD5 P 5 V Power Supply for 5 V Parallel Port Signals.
10 PDATA[7] I/O Parallel Port Data Signal Bit 7.
11 NAUTOFD O Parallel Port nAutoFd Signal (Active-Low).
12 NSELECTIN O Parallel Port nSelectIn Signal (Active-Low).
13 NINIT O Parallel Port nInit Signal (Active-Low).
14 NACK I Parallel Port nAck Signal (Active-Low).
15 BUSY I Parallel Port Busy Signal.
16 VDD P 3.3 V Power Supply.
17 GND P Ground.
18 PERROR I Parallel Port PError Signal.
19 SELECT I Parallel Port Select Signal.
20 NFAULT I Parallel Port nFault Signal (Active-Low).
21 CLK_LO I Clock Low. Crystal or CMOS input.
22 CLK_HI O Clock High. Crystal or no connection.
23 SCAN I Scan. This signal is only used for production testing. Tie to GND for normal opera-
24 SCAN_EN I Scan Enable. When high, internal chip scan is enabled. This signal is only used for
production testing. Tie to GND for normal operation.
25 PLL_VDD P 3.3 V Analog Power Supply for PLL.
26 PLL_VSS P Analog Ground for PLL.
27 DPLS I/O USB DPLS Signal.
28 DMNS I/O USB DMNS Signal.
29 VDD P 3.3 V Power Supply.
30 GND P Ground.
31 TEST I Test. This signal is only used for production testing. Tie to GND for normal opera-
32 RESET I Reset. This signal is only used for production testing. Tie to GND for normal opera-
33 TST_RST I Test Reset. This signal is only used for production testing. Tie to GND for normal
34 SK O Serial ROM Clock.
35 CS O Serial ROM Chip Select.
36 DIO I/O Serial ROM Data Signal.
37 NUSB_RESET O USB Reset (Active-Low). Indicates USB reset condition.
38 VDD P 3.3 V Power Supply.
39 GND P Ground.
40 SUSPEND O Suspend. Indicates USB bus in suspend.
41 PLH I Parallel Port Peripheral Logic High Signal.
42 HLH O Parallel Port Host Logic High Signal.
43 NSTROBE O Parallel Port nStrobe Signal (Active-Low).
44 PDATA[0] I/O Parallel Port Data Signal.
* An N before symbol names indicates active-low.