3.4 Remote Control
1. Power:
Power on/off
2. Capture:
Capture image to internal
3. Source:
Select PC or Camera to
4. AF:
Auto Focus
5. PBP:
Compare the live image and
captured image
6. Menu:
Display full control menu
(OSD Menu)
7. BRT+/-:
Brightness adjustment
8. Photo/ Text :
Change between Photo or
Text mode
9. Play:
Recall the saved images in
the Digital Visualizer
10. A4/A5:
Speedy zoom to A4/ A5 size
11. Del:
Delete the saved images in
the Digital Visualizer
12. Flip:
Rotate the image by 180°
13. Freeze
Freeze the image on screen
English - 11
14. AWB:
Auto White Balance
15. Preset:
Save/load your setting
parameters (like brightness,)
16. Lamp:
Switch / on / off the lamp and
17. Focus +/-:
Manual focus for fine tune
18. Enter:
Enable the selected function
19. Auto Tune:
Auto-adjust for optimum
20. Zoom + /– :
Zoom adjustment
21. Shift:
PBP image can be shifted the
other half
(Refer to 5.1.5 )
1. To avoid unexpected electric shock or explosion,
use the applicable batteries is the must.
2. Recyle the exhausted or damaged batteries by
following the instructions.