Two-Way Active Speaker System
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Electronic les for this product available at:
This Specication Sheet ART400A.PDF
Architects’ & Engineers’ Specications ART400AAE.TXT
Quick-Start Manual ART400AQS.PDF
Owner/Operator’s Manual ART400AML.PDF
O F 6 P A G E S
Architects’ & Engineers’ Specications
The amplied loudspeaker system shall be a
self-contained unit, housed in a reinforced polypro-
pylene enclosure and consisting of the following
sub-systems: (1) vented two-way loudspeaker
system, (2) integrated power ampliers and cross-
over network, (3) integrated mic/line input with
music and voice equalizers.
The loudspeakers shall consist of a 15 inch
low-frequency, cone driver with at least a 3 inch
voice coil and a 80° x 60° high-frequency, constant-
directivity polynomial horn and horn-loaded, 2 inch
compression driver. The drivers shall be aligned
with an analog circuit and crossed over at 1.8kHz
by a 4-pole network built into the power ampliers.
Together they shall be capable of producing 125dB
SPL (1m, anechoic).
Two discrete ampliers shall be provided, capable
of continuously delivering 300W RMS to the low-fre-
quency driver and 50W RMS to the high-frequency
driver. Distortion shall be less than 0.1% when mea-
sured at 1kHz and 10kHz. They shall be equipped with
a multi-function protection circuit to peak limit and
protect the loudspeakers from overheating and over-
excursion, overloads, short circuits and extreme oper-
ating temperatures. An indicator light shall illuminate
when any aspect of the protection circuit engages.
The integrated mic/line input shall be actively
balanced, may accept an unbalanced input, and shall
be paralleled to an output. Both shall have XLR
connectors. The input shall have a switch to select
between 10mV mic and 775mV line levels. The unit
shall be provided with both voice and music optimi-
zation equalization that can be activated with but-
tons on the rear panel. The voice equalizer shall pro-
vide +4dB at 3kHz and +4db at 6kHz. The music
equalizer shall provide +4.3dB at 65Hz and +4dB at
12kHz. A continuously variable, rotary master volume
control shall be provided.
The power supply shall be internal and con-
nected to 50 or 60Hz source current through a
detachable IEC power cord and shall have an IEC
socket for mains power loop-through. It shall have
an on/off switch, fuse holder and threaded ground-
ing screw on the rear panel. AC voltage shall be
selectable between 115 and 230VAC. The power
supply shall draw a maximum of 5A and illuminate
an indicator light when on.
The reinforced polypropylene enclosure
shall have a volume of at least 2.64 cu. ft., be
trapezoidal shaped and equipped with a grille
to protect the cone driver. At least four M10
and two M8 threaded sockets and stand socket
shall be molded into the cabinet for attaching
mounting hardware, designed for the unit and
available from the manufacturer. The amplied
loudspeaker system shall be a model ART400A
manufactured by Mackie Industrial.
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as a routine expression of that philosophy. For this reason, any current Mackie Industrial product
may differ in some respect from its published description, but will always equal or exceed the
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part no. 910-165-10