User’s Guide
User’s Guide
Troubleshooting & Warranty Service
If you think your Remote 24 has a problem, try the following:
Make sure the cable is plugged into the “Remote” jack on the
rear panel of the HDR24/96 - the “Remote” jack is easy to
confuse with the Ethernet jack.
Remove and reinstall the cable, reboot the HDR24/96, and/or
replace the Remote 24 cable (available at computer supply
Be sure you are not using a CAT-5 crossover cable (usually
known by its yellow color and always labled “Crossover”).
Put the Remote 24 into self-test mode and test the function of
the swiches and LEDs.
• Place a blank floppy disk into the HDR24/96 and power
up the unit while holding down Record Ready buttons 1
and 2 on the Remote 24.
• When the unit is first powered on, all LEDs will be lit,
and the Remote 24 firmware version number is shown in
the Take and Track Number displays.
• Pressing a button associated with an LED turns the
LED off.
• Pressing a Locate button lights the LED above it in the
Locator section.
• Pressing the Take Select buttons increments/
decrements the Take and Track Number displays; and
pressing the Track Select buttons increments/
decrements the Meter display.
After all this, if it still doesn’t work properly please contact Mackie
Designs technical support at (800) 258-6883 (8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Pacific Time) - see the included Warranty Card for details.