Manual written by Jeff Gilbert and Dave
Franzwa, with tidbits borrowed from almost
everywhere, including huge chunks of techni-
cally baffling text contributed by Rick Chinn.
Manual then defaced with proofreading pens in
the hands of Mackie’s legendary Tech Support
staff (Paul Larson), New Products Engineering
staff (Cal Perkins and Cameron Jones), and
our incomparable Art Department (Sara
Delahan). Back cover collage composed by
Jayme Delma.
Manual composed with No. 4 blue sidewalk
chalk on the banks of beautiful Sammamish
Slough by Mackie’s notorious Technical Writing
staff, then converted to this amazing piece
of work using a 13-story 1000 gigawhat
Macintosh, powered by its own dedicated AC
supply with extensive voltage regulation and
noise filtering to insure pure, undistorted text.
Please, feel free to let us know if you find an
error or stumble over a confusing paragraph.
Thank you for reading the entire manual (we
know you have, or you wouldn’t be here).
Mackie, The Running Man, and FR Series
are either trademarks or registered trademarks
of Mackie Designs Inc.
Speakon is a registered trademark of Neutrik.
All other brand names mentioned are
registered trademarks or trademarks of their
respective holders, and are hereby acknowledged.
©1996 Mackie Designs Inc.
All Rights Reserved.
Printed in the U.S.A.