For warranty service, refer to the warranty informa-
tion on page 35.
Non-warranty service for Mackie products is avail-
able at a factory-authorized service center. To locate
your nearest service center, visit www.mackie.com, click
“Support” and select “Locate a Service Center.” Service
for Mackie products living outside the United States can
be obtained through local dealers or distributors.
If you do not have access to our website, you can call
our Tech Support department at 1-800-898-3211, Mon-
day-Friday, during normal business hours, Pacific Time,
to explain the problem. Tech Support will tell you where
the nearest factory-authorized service center is located
in your area.
Need Help?
You can reach a technical support representative
Monday through Friday
during normal business hours, PST at:
After hours, visit www.mackie.com and click Support,
or email us at: techmail@mackie.com