iv Preface
Used to indicate and prevent the following step from causing
serious injury or significant data loss.
Disclaimer: We have attempted to identify most situations that may
pose a danger, warning, or caution condition in this manual. However,
Magma does not claim to have covered all situations that might require
the use of a Caution, Warning, or Danger indicator.
Safety Instructions
Always use caution when servicing any electrical component. Before
handling the Magma product, read the following instructions and safety
guidelines to prevent damage to the product and to ensure your own
personal safety. Refer to the “Advisories” section for advisory
conventions used in this manual, including the distinction between
Dangers, Warnings, Cautions, and Notes.
♦ Always use caution when handling/operating the computer.
Only qualified, experienced, authorized electronics personnel
should access the interior of the computer. The power supplies
produce high voltages and energy hazards, which can cause
bodily harm.
♦ Use extreme caution when installing or removing components.
Refer to the installation instructions in this manual for
precautions and procedures. If you have any questions,
please contact Magma Technical Support.
High voltages are present inside the expansion unit when the unit’s
power cord is plugged into an electrical outlet. Disconnect the power
cord from its source before removing the system cover.
Never modify or remove the radio frequency interference shielding from
your workstation or Magma unit. To do so may cause your installation to
produce emissions that could interfere with other electronic equipment
in the area of your system.