RVS-DX, Digital Soft Starter Instruction Manual—04/01/04
High Inertia Loads-Fans, Centrifuges, etc.
Initial Voltage (IV)-set 50%
Current limit (CL)-set 400%
Acceleration time (AT)-set 20 sec.
Voltage and current increase until
current reaches “ Current Limit”. The
volatage is held at this value until
motor is close to nominal speed, then
current will begin to decrease. The
HRVS-DX continues to ramp-up the
voltage until reaching nominal. Motor speed smoothly accelerates to full speed.
Special starting-Using Dual Adjustment
Using two starting characteristics, the starter will accelerate to the
Dual Adjustment-IV reaching 100% current limit. After the
Immediate Relay delay time, voltage to terminal C1 is switched
off, using the standard characteristic to complete acceleration.
This method of starting is useful to prevent initial high
(Application: Submersible pumps, Drum fans with resonating
frequency, etc.)
Dual Adj. Par. Standard Par.
Initial Voltage 10% 25%
Acceleration Time t1=2-30 sec t2=2-30 sec
Current Limit 200% 300-400%
Imm. Rel. ON
Tx=1-60 sec —