Vermont Castings Resolute Acclaim
5. Secure the extension plate and flue collar with the
fasteners removed in the first step. Run the bolts in
only finger-tight. Adjust the fit of the extension plate
and/or flue collar if necessary. Tighten all four
fasteners, but do not overtighten them. Test the
action of the griddle; make any needed adjustments
by loosening the hardware, repositioning the flue
collar and extension plate, retesting the griddle
action, and retightening the hardware.
Fireplace Installations
A fireplace installation requires special clearance
between the side of the stove and the right and left
walls, the side of the stove and the decorative side trim
on the fireplace face, and the top of the stove and the
Ventilated shields (noncombustible) shields installed on
noncombustible spacers 1" (25 mm) away from the
combustible surface may be used to reduce clear-
ances. (Fig. 14) A mantel shield for the Resolute
Acclaim must be at least 48" (1220 mm) long, centered
over the stove. Side trim shields must extend the full
length of the trim. (Fig. 15)
1" (25mm)
1/4" (6mm)
Fig. 14 A custom-formed mantel shield.
An unprotected mantel ("A" ,Fig. 15) must have a
minimum clearance of 36" (915 mm), measured from
the stove's top plate. With a ventilated shield the
clearance may safely be reduced to 30" (760 mm).
Maximum depth of the mantel is 9" (230 mm).
Unprotected top trim (B) protruding 1¹⁄₂" (40 mm) or less
from the face of the fireplace must be a minimum of 28"
(710 mm) from the stove's top surface. This clearance
may not be reduced by shielding. If top trim protrudes
more than 1¹⁄₂" (40 mm) the mantel clearances of 36"
(915 mm) unshielded and 30" (760 mm) shielded must
be used.
Side trim must have a minimum clearance of 8" (200
mm), measured from the stove's top side edge. In this
case, ventilated shielding will not provide protection to
allow clearance reduction.
In addition, a fireplace installation must observe the
floor protection guidelines discussed previously.
The charts and sample installations on the following
pages list the clearances required for various installa-
tion configurations of the Resolute Acclaim.
Fireplace Mantel and Trim Clearances
Measured from the stove top and sides
Protected Unprotected
A. Mantel 30” (760mm) 36” (915mm)
B. Top Trim 28” (710mm) 28” (710mm)
C. Side Trim 8” (200mm) 8” (200mm)
Fig. 15 Maintain clearances to combustible components of
the mantelpiece.