
User Guide
The RC5000i can be used for all devices that understand infrared
remote control signals. Its easy-to-use touchscreen and its intuitive
interface make it a perfect remote control for every user. The
RC5000i is completely customizable and programmable. You can add
devices and functions, relabel buttons, record macros and animate
your macros. Although the RC5000i is pre-programmed for Marantz
components, a vast collection of built-in tab guided panels with pre-
arranged button art enables you to easily choose the perfect interface
for any non-Marantz component. The RC5000i easily “learns”
commands from the vast majority of manufacturers’ remote controls.
1. The Marantz RC5000i
The Direct Access
buttons control your
systems main functions
regardless of what
screen is displayed
The Left and Right hard
buttons (labeled Back and
Ahead) enable you to
quickly navigate the last 6
screens you’ve viewed.
The Sending Eye
transmits to your
The Touchscreen
The Learning Eye enables
you to “clone” your non-
Marantz remotes.
Recharging Contacts
Battery Door
The Contrast Dial
adjusts the
appearance of the
The Backlight
button lights up
the screen (you
can adjust the
length of time it
stays on, see
page 13).
The Serial Port
enables you to
program the
RC5000i on a
Windows PC.
The Reset Button
is used to restart
the RC5000i without
losing any