
Select output signal emphasis to connected cable characteristic.
Depending on the signal characteristics and the length of the cable the HDMI signal can get
weaker. The VS3002 is equipped with an emphasizer that restores this signal by reshaping it into
its original format, and output again as a high-quality signal to the AV-receiver or display.
Automatic Input Switching
The VS3002 selects automaticly the HDMI input when the source products is enabled, making
even easier in use.
Automatic IR-command function for marantz AVR and VP
The VS3002 is able to generate a HDMI-1 command and send it out together with the HDMI-
signal. When the VS3002 for example is connected to a HDMI input of a Marantz receiver
(SR8002/7002/5002/4002 ) and this output signal from VS3002 to the receiver is enabled, the
receiver will automaticly switch to it’s HDMI input. This function is also usable on Marantz
projectors VP-11S1/12S4/12S3/12S2/15S1.