
To find out more about the Handwired range and other Marshall products contact:
Marshall Amplification plc Denbigh Road,Bletchley,Milton Keynes,MK1 1DQ or visit the official Marshall website:www.marshallamps.com
Features 1974X 2061X 1959HW
Head No Yes Yes
Combo Yes No No
Output (RMS) 18 Watt 20 Watt 100 Watt
Tremelo Yes No No
Speakers G12M-20 Special No No
Pre-amp Valves 3 x ECC83 2 x ECC83 3 x ECC83
Power Amp Valves 2 x EL84 2 x EL84 4 x EL34
Valve Rectifier 1 x EZ81 No No
Footswitch (supplied) PEDL-10034 No No
Dimensions (mm) 610 x 508 x 226 510 x 208x 206 740 x 275 x 210
Weight (Kg) 19 10 22
Features 1974CX 2061CX 1960AHW/BHW
Angled No Yes Yes
Base Yes No Yes
Speaker Type G12M-20 Special G12H-30 Special G12H-30 Special
Speaker Configuration 1 x 12 2 x 12 4 x 12
Power (RMS) 20 Watt 60 Watt 120 Watt
Impedance 16 Ohm 8 Ohm 16 Ohm
Dimensions (mm) 610 x 508 x 226 643 x 643 x 300 760 x 830 x 360
Weight (Kg) 14 24 36.4
Amplifiers Extension Cabinets
Whilst the information contained herein is correct at the time of publication,due to our policy of constant improvement and development,Marshall Amplification plc reserve the right to alter specifications without prior notice.