Reverb (RVB)
Effect Description
Reverb Decay Time
(from short to long)
A natural sounding Reverb that never sounds
harsh or grainy. Short Reverb times produce a
plate type effect while longer Reverb times
produce much larger sounding hall-type effects.
Delay (DLY)
Delay Time
(from short to long)
Short Delay Times will automatically have less
repeats for groovy surf tones. Increasing the Delay
Time automatically increases the number of
repeats for a much more atmospheric effect.
Chorus (CHR)
(from slow to fast)
At slow Speeds a mellow phase-like sweep
occurs. As the Speed is increased a more
traditional chorus effect is heard. At maximum
Speed, a psychedelic vibrato results.
Flange (FLG)
(from slow to fast)
At slow Speed settings the amount of
regeneration is automatically increased for huge
‘jet engine-like’ sweeps. As the speed is increased
the regeneration decreases to produce a lush,
natural sounding flange effect. When the Speed is
maxed out, a fast vibrato results.
14. Digital FX PRESET / ADJUST control (MG15DFX only)
This control serves a dual purpose. Not only does it allow you to select one of the four types of
effects on offer (Reverb (RVB), Delay (DLY), Chorus (CHR) or Flange (FLG)), it also allows you to
change a parameter as you sweep it through each of the four effect segments. The parameter you
can adjust for each of the four effects is shown below:
*as you turn the control clockwise through the segment dedicated to that effect
15. Digital FX LEVEL control (MG15DFX only)
This controls how much of the chosen effect gets mixed in with your unaffected (dry) guitar tone.
Want to hear more of the DFX you’ve just dialled in? Then simply turn this up!
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