61D0008 29
2. An approved gas shut off valve must be located outside the fireplace in an area accessible to the users of the fireplace.
3. All gas piping and fitting must be either steel or malleable iron. Unions must be of the ground joint type.
4. Some code authorities prohibit or place restrictions on the use of gas appliances in fireplaces. Check with local code
authorities before proceeding with installation.
5. The gas appliance and all connecting gas piping must only be installed by a licensed gas appliance installer. See Figure
36 for the gas line opening dimensions on the fireplace.
6. The installer of the fireplace and gas appliance must describe the operation of the fireplace and appliance to the people
who will be operating them and leave all instruction manuals with the operator of the appliance.
If an unvented gas appliance is installed in the fireplace, the gas appliance must
only be operated with the fireplace glass door fully open (if included). Only unvented
gas log sets which have been found to comply with the standard for unvented room
heaters, ANSI/IAS/AGA Z21.11.2 are to be installed in this fireplace.
Side Brick
Inner Fireplace Wrap
Outer Fireplace Wrap
Maintain ½"min. Air
Space Clearance to
Combustibles for Gas
Line Out to 4" from
Side of Fireplace
Figure 36 - Gas Line Opening Dimensions
Hearth Brick
Gas Line
Access Tube
Combustive Materials May Be
Located at Zero Clearance to Gas
Line Beyond 4" from Fireplace Side
Do not operate an
unvented gas log set in
this fireplace with the
chimney removed.