Martin Audio – MA200Q Amplifier
3.5.3 Radio interference
A sample of this product has been tested and complies with the limits for the European Electro Magnetic
Compatibility (EMC) directive. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful
interference from electrical equipment. This product uses radio frequency energy and if not used or
installed in accordance with these operating instructions, may cause interference to other equipment,
such as radio receivers. Compliance with the (EMC) directive does not automatically guarantee non-
disturbance of susceptible equipment in close proximity to this amplifier.
If this amplifier is suspected of causing interference this can be easily checked by powering the amplifier
on and off and observing the disturbance. The user can correct the interference by one or more of the
following measures:
• Re - orientate or relocate the receiver's antenna.
• Increase the distance between the amplifier and the effected equipment.
• Connect the mains cable to a socket on a different circuit from that to which the affected unit
is connected.
• Check if the affected equipment complies with the EMC limits for immunity, (CE-labelled). If
not, address the problem with the manufacturer or supplier. All electrical products sold in the
EC must be approved for immunity against electromagnetic fields, high voltage flashes, and
radio interference.
• Consult your dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help
Thank you for purchasing a Martin Audio power amplifier. This manual contains important information on
operating your amplifier correctly and safely. Please take some time to read this manual and familiarize
yourself with the advanced features of this amplifier.
4.1 Unpacking
Each Martin Audio MA series amplifier is built to the highest standard and thoroughly inspected before it
leaves the factory. After unpacking the unit, examine it carefully for any signs of transit damage and
inform your dealer if such damage is found. It is suggested that you retain the original packaging so that
the unit can be repackaged at a future date if necessary.
Please note that Martin Audio and its distributors cannot accept responsibility for damage to any returned
product through the use of non - approved packaging.
4.2 Front Panel
dB0-80-40 -1-20-16-12-10-7-5-3CH.A CH.B CH.C CH.D-20-40-80-12-16 -3-10dB -5-7-10 -16-1 2-80-4 0-20 -3dB0 -1-10-7-5 -80-40 0dB-12-16 -7-3-1-5-10 01
8235432 547 6
11 11
1 . Input lev e l at te nua tor s
The se c o ntro ls ar e u se d to se t the s ign al le ve l e nter in g the amplifier . The y ar e c alibr ated in d B's to a ss is t
the s etu p of ac tive lo ud s pe ak er sy ste ms . (Se e pa g e 1 4) .