• Table I shows the adhesive label on units which have three-phase
supply. Connect to the electricity supply having read the adhesive
label that details electricity supply characteristics (See Table II).
The power cord, which is not supplied with the heater:•must be
of the HO7RN-F type (section 1, 5 mm²)
• must be connected to the unit electric switchboard by means of
the cable fastener (3) and connected to the terminals N, L and
,if single-phase supply, or to the terminals N, R, S, T and ,
if three-phase supply (“WIRING DIAGRAM”).
• must be connected directly to a mains switchboard that has a
disconnecting switch.
• must not be longer than 2 meters.
• The burner must be mounted and attached to the heather
with appropriate screws. The gaskets supplied with the burner
should be placed between the burner and the heater.
• The burner must be connected to the fuel supply and the
burners calibration (“burner Instruction manual”) unanimously
with themaximun space heater power signed on the technical
• Connect accessories such as the room thermostat or clock to
the unit electric switchboard: electric wire must be connected
by means of the cable fastener (8) to the terminals 7 and 8.
BG 100 BG 150 BG 200
Number of phases 3 3 3
Tension 230/400 230/400 230/400
Frequency 50 50 50
Having completed all these operations check carefully that all
electrical connections correspond to the wiring diagram and
check the setting of thermostat F (“TECHNICAL SPECIFICA-
TIONS”). When the heateris fi rst turned on you must check that
the fan does not use more electricity than the maximum permit-
ted limit. Finally, follow the instructions in the Burner Instruction
Manual to regulate the burner unanimously to the suitable tech-
nical data for the space heater.
The space heater provides heat by releasing and dispersing hot
air (Fig.1). An airhead is supplied and it can be connected to new
air ducts if the user wishes to satisfy specifi c needs. In this case
and in particular if the diameter and length of the ducts have
been changed or if the number of bends has been modifi ed, air
output may vary. Consequently it is very important to check and
regulate air output when any modifi cation is made to airheads or
air ducts. In all circumstances you must ensure that (Fig. 3):
• The fan does not use more electricity than the maximum per-
mitted limit.
• The volume of air fl ow corresponds to the recommended le-
If the volume of fl ow rate air differs from preset values proceed
as follows:
1) Remove the aspiration grill which is on fan motor side of
2) Remove the screws (2) from the motor slide.
3) Remove the belt (1).
4) Loosen the bolts (3).
5) Turn the pulley clockwise and anti-clockwise in order to in-
crease or reduce the volume of air.
6) Tighten the bolts (3).
7) Put back the aspiration grill.
8) Repeat operations 1-7 until the correct volume of airfl ow ha-
sbeen achieved.
The evacuation smoke fl ues have to be in steel and of the kind
T250, conforming to the norm EN 1443.
Effi cient combustion and trouble-free working of the burner de-
pend on effi cient fl ue draft. The unit must be connected to the
chimney fl ue in accordance with current legal regulations and in
line with the following guidelines:
• The tube that carries the smoke should cover as short a distan-
ce as possible and should slant upwards
• There should be no sharp bends in the tubes and the diameter
of the tubes must never be reduced
• Every heater must have its own chimney
• Flue draft must at least correspond to the minimum compulsory
level in the Technical Specifi cations
• the chimney fl ue has to have a length of 1 meter.
The probes which check the composition of combustion waste
products and smoke temperature must be positioned as indica-
ted in Fig. 4.
When these tests have been completed the hole that was drilled
for the probe must be sealed with a material which is resistant
to high temperatures and which ensures that the tube remains
To connect the burner to the fuel supply, follow the instructions
in the Burner Instruction Manual
The burner can use both methane gas and LPG. This heater has
been predisposed to use methane gas, G20. To change from
methane gas to LPG or vice versa consult the Burner Instruc-
tion Manual which accompanies this manual. With the Burner
❏ 230V - 3~ - 50Hz
❏ 400V - 3~ - 50Hz
Tab. 1
Tab. 2
Fig. 3
Fig. 4