Software Installation Troubleshooting
22 311427D
I’m sure I have no pop-up
blockers or firewalls on my
Matrix Client, but I still can’t
access the Matrix screens.
Verify with your IT network administrator that the network has no proxy servers
that block traffic on port 8080, the default port used by Matrix for http traffic.
The meter dispense informa-
tion screen has a white/gray
rectangle where the dispense
information should be.
The meter dispense information is displayed in a table in a Java applet. Verify
that you have the Java Plugin (version 1.4.2_04 or later) installed and that it is
not disabled in IE (Tools->Internet Options->Advanced tab, the section
marked Java (Sun)).
Also, in the Windows Control Panel, you should find a Java Plug-in icon. Dou-
ble-click the Icon and verify that IE is set up to use the Sun JRE for viewing
After installing the JRE as
described in the installation
instructions, There is a coffee
cup icon in the system tray and
frequent pop-up windows.
What is this for, and is there a
way to turn off the pop-ups?
This is the Java Update mechanism that is part of the JRE, which, if enabled,
allows the JRE to make periodic automatic checks over the Internet for new
versions of the JRE. For the purpose of running Matrix this isn’t necessary. To
turn this off, go to Control Panel, double-click on the Java Plugin Icon and
choose the Update tab. Clear the Check for Updates Automatically check-
With Matrix installed on single
PC in a standalone system
configuration, when I launch
Matrix while my computer is not
attached to my network, the
Matrix browser-based screens
do not appear. However, if I
attach my computer to the net-
work and launch Matrix, they
do appear.
This happens most often with laptops that frequently connect to multiple net-
works using different configurations.
First, verify the proxy settings configured in your IE browser. Open a blank IE
window, click on Tools->Internet Options, and select the Connections tab.
Ensure that 1) Never dial a connection is selected, and 2) Click on LAN Set-
tings and disable automatic proxy configuration.
Also, be aware that IE, will always check for an Internet connection before
serving local web pages (see article ID 290766 on Microsoft’s online support
site, support.microsoft.com, for details).
I clicked on a Button to get to a
different page at a Matrix Client
and I got a gray screen that
says “Direct access to this
Matrix page not allowed.”
Usually this means that the Matrix Server was restarted. In the Matrix system,
if the Matrix Server is restarted for any reason, all Matrix Clients must also be
restarted to reconnect to the screens. This is one reason why it’s important
that the Matrix Server be dedicated to the Matrix system.
I keep getting a popup window
that says “USB security key not
found on Matrix server!
Matrix/ADP interface is dis-
abled.” What’s going on?
The HASP security key shipped with this version of Matrix must be plugged
into a USB port on the Matrix Server at all times, even if the Matrix/ADP inter-
face is disabled. This message will appear when the Matrix Server software
cannot detect the presence of the key. The key could be unplugged. The soft-
ware drivers for the key may not have been installed; if this is the case, while
logged in with Windows administrative rights, navigate to Start/All Pro-
grams/Graco/Matrix and choose Install HASP Drivers. Graco recommends the
key be plugged into a USB port on the Matrix Server itself, as opposed to
being plugged into a USB hub that is in turn plugged into the Server
Make sure you reboot the Matrix Server after installing the HASP driver soft-