User Guide 27ProFire 2626
Mixer Peak Meters
This section of the Control Panel configures the operation of the meters within the DSP Mixer.
This drop-down menu determines the behavior of the meters of the ProFire 2626 DSP mixer.
Pre-fader – When this parameter is set to “Pre-fader” the meters will display the level of a signal before it
passes the fader. This allows signal levels to be displayed regardless of the fader positions within the DSP
mixer (i.e., a fader can be all the way down and no sound will be heard from the mixer’s output, but you can
still see if there is any activity on that input).
Post-fader – This setting configures the meters to show levels after signal has passed through the faders.
In this configuration, fader positions will affect the meters. For example, a fader that is all the way down will
result in no signal being displayed on its meter.
Peak Hold
The meters of the ProFire 2626 DSP mixer feature a “peak hold”
function designed to assist in finding the loudest transients of
a signal. This drop-down menu determines how long the peak
indicator will remain before resetting:
Off This setting turns the peak hold function off
1 Second Peak levels are held for one second
3 Seconds Peak levels are held for three seconds
Infinite Peak levels are held until the meters are cleared
Standalone Mode
ProFire 2626 can be used in Standalone Mode (i.e., without a computer). To enter Standalone Mode, power down
the interface, disconnect any FireWire cables attached to the FireWire Ports (12), and power on the interface.
The parameters in this section of the Control Panel determine how ProFire 2626 will function while operating in
Standalone Mode. This is a useful feature as it allows you to set the Standalone Mode settings independently from
the hosted settings. This saves you from having to reconfigure the Control Panel each time before you use the
interface in Standalone Mode.
Sync Source
This drop-down menu determines the clock synchronization source when using ProFire 2626 in Standalone
If you have connected a S/PDIF, ADAT, or Word Clock device to your ProFire 2626 and would like to use that
device’s clock as the master clock source, select “ADAT A,” “ADAT B,” “Coax S/PDIF,” or “Word Clock” from
this drop down menu. Otherwise, leave this parameter on its default “Internal” setting to allow ProFire 2626 to
use its internal clock.
TIP: Peak levels can be cleared at
any time by clicking the meters in the
DSP mixer.