User Guide 37ProFire 2626
ProFire 2626 provides 16 channels of MIDI I/O over standard 5-pin DIN connectors found on the breakout cable.
These I/O ports can be used to connect MIDI-compatible devices to your computer such as controller keyboards, drum
machines, or sound modules. Alternatively, these ports can be used to send and receive MIDI Time Code (MTC) and
other synchronization formats for locking to a hardware or software sequencer.
MIDI is an extensive protocol and covering it in detail is beyond the scope of this guide. If you would like to learn more,
please refer to one of the many books and articles that have been written about this subject and are available online or
through your local music retailer.
The diagram below demonstrates a scenario in which a controller keyboard and a sound module are connected to
ProFire 2626:
)N! /UT!
)N" /UT"
1. Make sure the breakout cable is connected to the back of ProFire 2626.
2. Connect the controller keyboard’s MIDI output to the ProFire 2626 MIDI input.
3. Connect the ProFire 2626’s MIDI output to the MIDI input of the sound module.
Once the hardware connections have been made, you may need to configure your music software to make use of
the ProFire 2626 MIDI input and output ports. This configuration process varies from program to program; Please
see your audio application’s user guide to learn how to do this.