Extended AT Commands Manual Page 32 of 70 2009-06-25
Table 24. +CPMS action command syntax
Command Possible response(s)
+CPMS: <used1>,<total1>,<used2>,<total2>,<used3>,<total3>
+CMS ERROR: <err>
+CPMS: <mem1>,<used1>,<total1>,<mem2>,<used2>,<total2>,
+CMS ERROR: <err>
+CPMS: (list of supported <mem1>s),(list of supported <mem2>s),
(list of supported <mem3>s) Message Format +CMGF
Set command tells the TA, which input and output format of messages to use. <mode> indicates
the format of messages used with send, list, read and write commands and unsolicited result
codes resulting from received messages. Mode can be either PDU mode (entire TP data units used)
or text mode (headers and body of the messages given as separate parameters). Text mode uses
the value of parameter <chset> specified by command Select TE C haracter Set +CSCS to inform
the character set to be used in the message body in the TA-TE interface.
Test command returns supported modes as a compound value.
Table 3. +CMGF action command syntax
Command Possible response(s)
+CMGF: mode
+CMGF? +CMGF: mode
+CMGF: (list of supported <mode>s)
0 : PDU mode (default when implemented)
1 : text mode Message Service Failure Result Code +CMS ERROR
Final result code +CMS ERROR: <err> indicates an error related to mobile equipment or network.
The operation is similar to ERROR result code. None of the following commands in the same
command line is executed. Neither ERROR nor OK result code shall be returned. ERROR is returned
normally when error is related to syntax or invalid parameters.
Table 4. <err> values used by common messaging commands:
value Description
0...127 3GPP TS 24.011 clause E.2 values
128...255 3GPP TS 23.040 clause values.
300 ME failure
301 SMS service of ME reserved
302 operation not allowed
303 operation not supported