Running the SETUP program
1. Insert the installation diskette into your
drive, log on to that drive, and run the
SETUP program in the \DIAG subdirectory.
Assuming that your have inserted the dis-
kette in drive A, you would type the follow-
ing at the DOS C: drive prompt:
2. Select the network adapter that you would
like to configure (if you have more than one
adapter installed). Otherwise press the En-
ter key if you have only one adapter in-
3. A) Select the Auto Configuration option if
you would like the program to configure
your network card for you (if you have two
or more NX-16 Series adapters installed in
your PC, you will need to install and config-
ure the adapters one at a time).
B) Select the Set Configuration option if
you would like to customize the I/O address,
IRQ line, or other operating parameters.
Use the UP or DOWN arrow keys to select
a value from a list of valid values displayed
in a selection window. Press F3 to save the
new setting.
If the Auto Configuration option does not
properly configure your adapter then use
the Set Configuration option to set-up
your adapter.
Do not select IRQ 10, 11, 12, or 15 when
used in an 8-bit slot. 8-bit slots DO NOT
support these IRQs.