WARNING: Foreach optionalattach-
fore use and follow all warnings and in-
structions in manual and on attachment.
WARNING: Ensure handlebar is
installed when using edgeror brushcutter at-
tachments. Attachhandlebarabovearrowon
safety labelon t heupper shaft (engine endof
unit). If your edgeror brushcutterattachment
doesnotincludeahandlebar ,ahandlebarac-
cessory kit (#530071451) is available from
your authorized service dealer.
WARNING: Inspect the area to be
edged before each use. Remove objects
(rocks, broken glass, nails, wire, etc.) which
can be thrown by the blade or can wrap
around the shaft.
WARNING: Blade r otates momen-
tarily after the trigger is released. The blade
stop before removing it from the cut.
S Throw away blades that are bent, warped,
cracked, broken or damaged in any o ther
way.Replaceparts thatare cracked, c hipped,
or dam aged before using the unit.
S Do not attempt to remove cut material nor
hold material to be cut when the engine is
running or when cutting blade is moving.
S Always keep the wheel and depth adjusting
skid in contact with the ground.
S Always push the unit slowly over the ground.
Stay alert for uneven sidewalks, holes in the
terrain, l arge roots, etc.
S Always use the handlebar when using edger
WARNING: Inspectareabeforestart-
ing unit. Remove all debris and hard objects
such as rocks, glass, wire, e tc. that can rico-
chet, be thrown, or otherwise cause injury or
damage during operation.
S Donot set uniton anysurface except aclean,
hard area while engine is running. Debris
such as gravel, sand, dust, grass, etc., could
be picked up by the air intake and thrown out
through d ischarge opening, damagi ng unit,
property, or causing serious i njury to
bystanders or operator .
S Never place objects inside the blower tubes,
vacuum tubes or blower outlet. Always direct
the blowing debris away from people,
animals, glass, and solid objects such a s
trees, automobiles, walls, e tc. The force ofair
can cause rocks,dirt, orsticks tobe thrownor
to ricochet which can hurt people or animals,
break glass, or cause other damage.
S Never run unit without the proper equipment
S Check air intake opening frequently always
with engine stopped and spark plug
disconnected. K eep vents and discharge
tubes free of debris which can accumulate
and restrict proper air flow.
S Never place any object in air intake opening
as this c ould r estrict p roper airflow andcause
damage to the unit.
S Neveruseforspreading chemicals,fertilizers,
or other substances which may contain toxic
S Toavoidspreadingfire,donot u senear leafor
brush f ires, f ireplaces, b arbecue pits,
ashtrays, etc.
WARNING: Rotating tines can cause
serious injury. Keep away from rotating tines.
Stop the engine and disconnect the spark plug
before unclogging tines or making repairs.
WARNING: Inspect the area to be
cultivatedbeforestartingtheunit. Removeall
debris and hard and sharp objects such as
rocks, vines, branches, rope, string, etc.
S Avoid heavy contact with solid objects that
might stop the ti nes. If h eavy contact occurs,
stop the engine and inspect the unit for