completely (to the OFF CHOKE position)
and then f ollowing t he warm enginestarting
procedure listed above. Ensure the ON/
STOP switch is inthe ON position. Starting
could require pulling the starter ropehandle
manytimes dependingonhowbadly theunit
is flooded. If enginefailsto start,refer tothe
WARNING: If the brake band is worn
too thin it may break when the chain brake is
triggered.Witha broken brake band, t he chain
brake will not stop the chain. The chain brake
should be replaced by an authorized service
dealer if any part is worn to less than 0,5 mm
thick. Repairs on a chain brake should be
made by an authorized service dealer . Take
your unit t o t he pl ace of purchase if purchased
rized master service dealer.
S This saw is equipped with a chain brake.
The brake is designed to stop the chain if
kickback occurs.
S Theinertiaactivated chainbrakeis activated
if t he f ront handguardis pushed forward, ei-
ther manually or by centrifugal force.
S Ifthebrakeisalready ac tivated,itisdisen-
gagedbypullingthefronthandgu ardback
toward thefro nthandle asfaras possible.
S Whencuttingwiththesaw,thechainbrake
must be disengaged.
Braking function control
The chain brake must be
checked several times daily. The engine
mustberunningw henperformingthisproce-
dure. Thisis theonly i n stancewhen thesaw
should beplacedon t heground with th een-
gine running.
Place the saw on f irm ground. Grip the rear
dle with your left hand. Apply full throttle by
fully depressingthe t hrottle trigger. Activate
the chain brake by turning your left wrist
against the hand guard without releasing
your grip aroundthe front handle.Thechain
should stop immediately .
Inertia activating function c ontrol
WARNING: When performing the fol-
lowing procedure, the engine must be turned
Griptherearhandlewithyourrigh thandand
the f ronthandlewithyour lefthand. H oldthe
chain saw approximately 35 cm above a
stump or other wooden surface. Release
your grip on the front handle and use the
weight of the saw to let the top of the guide
bar fall forward and contact the stump.
When the tip of the bar hits the stump, the
brake should activate.
S Check chain tension b efore first use and a f-
ter 1minute ofoperation. See CHAIN TEN-
SION in the ASSEMBLY section.
S Cut wood only . Do not cut metal, plastics,
masonry , no n-wood buil ding m ateria ls, etc.
S The bumperspike maybe usedas apivot
when making a cut.
S Stopthesaw ifthechain strikesa f oreignob-
ject. I nspectthesawandrepairpartsasnec-
S Keepthechainoutofdirtandsand. Evena
smallamountofd irtwillquicklydullachain
and increase the possibility of kickback.
S Practicecuttingafewsmalllogs usingthe
ing your saw before you begin a major
sawing operation.
S Squeeze thethrottletrigger andallow t he
engine to reach full speed beforecutting.
S Begin cutting with the saw frame
against the log.
S Keeptheengineatfull speedtheentire
time you are cutting.
S Allowthechaintocutfory ou.Exertonly
light downward pressure.
S Release the throttle trigger as soonas
the cut is completed, allowing the en-
gine to idle. If you run the saw at full
sary wear can occur.
S Toavoidlosingcontrolwhencutiscom-
plete,donotputpr essureonsawatend
of cut.
S Stoptheenginebeforesettingt hesawdown.
WARNING: Felling a tree requires
chain saw skills and experience. Inexperi-
enced us ersshouldnot fellt rees. Donot at-
tempt any task that makes you feel uncom-
fortable or unsure.
or electrical wires if you do notknow the di-
rection oftreefall, at night s ince y ou w illnot
be able to see well, or during bad weather
suchas rain,snow,orstrong winds.asfallis
Carefully plan your sawing operation in ad-
vance. You need aclear area allaround the
treesoyou c anhave securefooting. Check
for broken or dead branches which can fall
on you causing serious injury.