S Make your fist cut 1/3 of the way through
the b ottom of the limb.
S Next makea2ndcutall the waythrough
thelimb. Thencut athird overcut leaving
a3 to5cmcollarfromthetrunkof thetree.
First cut
Second cut
Third cut
Pruning technique
WARNING: Improper maintenance
could result in serious enginedamage or in se-
rious injury.
WARNING: Disconnect the spark
for carburetor adjustments.
Werecommend all service andadjustments
not listed in this manual beperformed by an
Authorized Service Dealer.
Fuel mixture level Before each use....
Bar lubrication Before each use.......
Chain tension Before each use.......
Chain sharpness Before each use....
For damaged parts Before each use..
For loose caps Before each use......
For loose fasteners Before each use...
Fo r loose parts Before each use......
Inspect and Clean:
Bar Before each use................
Complete saw After each use.......
Air filter Every 5 hours*.............
Chain brake Every 5 hours*........
Spark arresting screen
and muffler Every 25 hours*.........
Replace spark plug Yearly.
Repla ce fuel filter Yearly...
CAUTION: Do not clean filter in gaso-
line or other flammable solvent to avoid
creating a fire hazard or producing harmful
evaporative emissions.
Cleaning the air filter:
A dirty air filter decreases engine perform-
ance and increases fuel consumption and
harmfulemissions. Alwayscleanafterevery
5 hours of operation.
1. Clean thecoverandthe areaarounditto
keep dirt and sawdust from falling into
the carburetor chamber when the cover
is removed.
2. Remove the parts as illustrated.
3. Wash the filter in soap and water. Rinse
in clean cool water. Air d ry completely
before reinstalling.
4. Reinstall parts.
Air Filter
Air Filter
Ifyour saw cutsto oneside, hastobeforced
amount of bar lubrication it may be neces-
sarytoserviceyourbar. Awornbarwilldam-
age your chain and make cutting difficult.
After each use, ensure ON/STOP switch is
inthe STOP position, thenclean all sawdust
from the guide bar and sprocket hole.
To maintain guide bar:
S Move ON/STOP switch t o the STOP posi-
S Loosen and remove bar nuts and chain
brake. Remove bar and chain from saw .
S Clean theoil holes and bargroove aftereach
5 hours of operation.
Remove Sawdust From
Guide Bar Groove
Oil Holes
S Burring of guide bar rails is a normal
process of rail wear. Remove these burrs
with a flat file.
S Whenrailtopisuneven,useaflatfiletore-
store square edges and sides.
Correct GrooveWorn Groove
File Rail Edges
and Sides