OObbsseerrvvee dduurriinngg tthhee ddaayyttiimmee::
Try out
your telescope during the daytime at
first. It is easier to learn how it operates
and how to observe when it is light.
PPiicckk oouutt aann eeaassyy oobbjjeecctt ttoo oobbsseerrvvee::
A distant
mountain, a large tree, a lighthouse or
skyscraper make excellent targets. Point
the optical tube so it lines up with your
UUnnlloocckk tthhee lloocckk kknnoobbss::
To move the
telescope, you will need to unlock the
horizontal (6) and vertical (5) lock knobs (just
rotate to unlock or lock; when locking, only
tighten to a “firm feel,” do not overtighten).
UUssee tthhee rreedd ddoott vviieewwffiinnddeerr::
If you have not
done so, align the red dot viewfinder (2) with
the telescope’s eyepiece (1) as described
earlier. Look through the red dot viewfinder
until you can see the object. It will be easier
to locate an object using the red dot
viewfinder rather than locating with the
eyepiece. Line up the object using the
viewfinders red dot.
LLooookk tthhrroouugghh tthhee eeyyeeppiieeccee::
Once you have
the object lined up in the viewfinder, look
through the optical tube’s eyepiece. If you
have aligned your viewfinder, you will see
the object in your eyepiece.
Look through the eyepiece and
practice focusing on the object you have
TTrryy oouutt tthhee ccooaarrssee aanndd f
fiinnee aaddjjuussttmmeenntt
Practice using the fine adjustment
control (16 to move the telescope. These
can come in very handy, especially when you
wish to move the telescope in very small
(fine control) steps.
OObbsseerrvvee tthhee MMoooonn::
When you feel
comfortable with the viewfinder, the
eyepieces, the locks and the adjustment
controls, you will be ready to try out the
telescope at night. The Moon is the best
object to observe the first time you go out at
night. Pick a night when the Moon is a
crescent. No shadows are seen during a full
Moon, making it appear flat and
Look for different features on the Moon. The
Can you ever have too much power? If the type of
power you’re referring to is eyepiece magnification,
yes you can! The most common mistake of the
beginning observer is to “overpower” a telescope by
using high magnifications which the telescope’s
aperture and atmospheric conditions cannot
reasonably support. Keep in mind that a smaller,
but bright and well-resolved image is far superior
to one that is larger, but dim and poorly resolved.
Powers above 400x should be employed only under
the steadiest atmospheric conditions.
most obvious features are craters. In fact
you can see craters within craters. Some
craters have bright lines about them. These
are called rays and are the result of material
thrown out of the crater when it was struck
by a colliding object. The dark areas on the
Moon are called maria and are composed of
lava from the period when the Moon still had
volcanic activity. You can also see mountain
ranges and fault lines on teh Moon.
Use a neutral density filter (often called a
“moon filter”) when observing the Moon.
Neutral density filters are available from
Looking at or near the Sunwill cause irreversibledamage to your eye. Do not point this telescope at or near the Sun. Do not look through the telescope as it is moving.