Meade makes a complete line of accessories to enable
you to get the most fun and performance from your ETX-
LS telescope. No matter what you want to accomplish,
we have the equipment to help you get there.
Choosing Eyepieces
A telescope’s eyepiece magnies the image formed by
the telescope’s main optics. Each eyepiece has a focal
length, expressed in millimeters, or “mm.” The smaller
the focal length, the higher the magnication. For
example, an eyepiece with a focal length of 9mm has
a higher magnication than an eyepiece with a focal
length of 26mm. Experienced users know that higher
powers are, in general, not as useful as lower powers.
Many of the objects in the night sky are relatively large
and faint and look best at low magnications.
The power or magnication of a telescope is determined
by the focal length of the telescope and the focal length
of the eyepiece being used. To calculate magnication,
divide the telescope’s focal length by the eyepiece’s
focal length. For example, a 26mm eyepiece is supplied
with the ETX-LS. The focal length of the 6" ETX-LS is
1524mm (see SPECIFICATIONS, page 40).
Telescope Focal Length 1524mm
Eyepiece Focal Length 26mm
1524 ÷ 26 = 58.6x
The magnication is therefore 58.6x.
Low power eyepieces offer a wider eld of view, bright,
high-contrast images, and long eye relief. To nd an
object with a telescope, always start with a lower power
eyepiece such as the Super Plössl 26mm or longer
focal length. When the object is located and centered
in the eyepiece, you may wish to switch to a higher
power eyepiece to enlarge the image as much as
practical for prevailing seeing conditions or, for many
objects, the view is best with a high quality low-power
wide-eld eyepiece.
NOTE: Seeing conditions vary widely from night-to-
night and site-to-site. Turbulence in the air, even on
an apparently clear night, can distort images. If an
image appears fuzzy and ill-dened, reduce to a lower
power eyepiece.
Your telescope comes supplied with a Super Plössl
Series 4000 Super Plössl Eyepieces
56.0mm SP 2" 52º 27x 1º 55'
40.0mm SP 44º 38x 1º 9'
32.0mm SP 52º 48x 1º 6'
26.0mm SP 52º 59x 53'
20.0mm SP 52º 76x 41'
15.0mm SP 52º 102x 31'
12.4mm SP 52º 123x 25'
9.7mm SP 52º 157x 20'
6.4mm SP 52º 238x 13'
Focal Apparent Actual
Length Type Field Power Field
26mm eyepiece, which gives a wide 53 ARC Minute
(just a little less than 1 degree) eld of view with 59x
magnication. This is a very good all purpose eyepiece
for your telescope, but you should consider buying
additional eyepieces in longer and shorter focal lengths
to fully realize the potential of the excellent 6" optical
system in your ETX-LS telescope.
The Series 4000 Super Plössl Eyepieces are excellent
well corrected 4 element optics at popular prices. They
come in a wide range of focal lengths to give you the
right magnication for any type of celestial object you
are viewing. You can also use one of the Series 4000
Barlows to double or triple the magnication of a Super
Plössl eyepiece. These eyepieces have been the
standard for over 30 years.