AutoStar #497 HANDBOX
appropriate key shown below.
Nine available speeds are:
Number Key “1” = 1x (Guide)
Number Key “2” = 2x
Number Key “3” = 8x
Number Key “4” = 16x
Number Key “5” = 64x
Number Key “6” = 0.50°/sec
Number Key “7” = 1.0°/sec
Number Key “8” = 1.5°/sec
Number Key “9” = 4.0°/sec (Max)
Speeds “1”,“2”, or “3” Best used for fi ne
centering of an object in the fi eld of view of
a higher power eyepiece, such as a 12mm or
a 9mm eyepiece.
Speeds “4”, “5”, or “6”: Enables centering
an object in the fi eld of a low-to-moderate
power eyepiece, such as the standard Super
Plössl 26mm.
Speeds “7” or “8”: Best used for rough
centering of an object in the Red Dot
Viewfi nder.
Speed “9”: Moves the telescope quickly from
one point in the sky to another.
ᕧ Scroll Keys: Accesses options within a selected
menu. The menu is displayed on the fi rst line of
the screen. Options within the menu are displayed,
one at a time, on the second line. Press the Scroll
keys to move through the options. Press and hold
a Scroll key to move quickly through the options.
The Scroll keys also scroll through the letters of
the alphabet and numerical digits.
Note: The Scroll Down key and the Down Arrow key
move forward through the alphabet & digits (A to
Z, 0 to 9). The Scroll Up key and the Up Arrow key
move backward (Z to A, 9 to 0). Common symbols
are also available in the list.
ᕨ ? Key: Accesses the “Help” fi le. “Help” provides
on-screen information on how to accomplish
whatever task is currently active.
Hold down the ? key and then follow the prompts
on the display to access details of AutoStar
functions in the Help feature. The Help system is
essentially an on-screen instruction manual.
If you have a question about an AutoStar
etc., hold down the ? key and follow the directions
that scroll on the second line of the LCD screen.
When a word appears in [brackets], press ENTER
to access the AutoStar Glossary. A defi nition or
more detailed information is displayed. Press
MODE to return to the scrolling AutoStar Help
When satisfi ed with the Help provided, press
MODE to return to the original screen and continue
with the chosen procedure.
ᕩ Coil Cord Port: Plug one end of the AutoStar coil
cord into this port (pg. 19, Fig. 5, 9) located at the
bottom of the AutoStar handbox.
µ Coil Cord: Plug one end of the AutoStar coil
cord into the HBX port (Pg. 14, Fig. 4, 10A) of the
computer control panel of the telescope and the
other end into the coil cord port.
¸ Serial Port: plug an serial accessory (#505)
cable into AutoStar for updating functions such
as “Download” or “Clone”. See page 29 for
more details.
¹ Utility Light: Use this built-in red light to illuminate
star charts and accessories without disturbing
your eye’s adaptation to darkness.
Observing Using AutoStar’s Arrow
You may observe land and astronomical objects using
AutoStar’s Arrow keys to move the telescope.
1. Verify the telescope is fully assembled and
that AutoStar is properly connected to your
telescope. See Getting Started on page 5.
2. Flip the telescope power switch to the ON
position. The AutoStar screen is activated and
a copyright message displays briefl y, followed
by a short beep. Then AutoStar takes a few
moments to start up the system. “Press 0 to
align or Mode for Menu” displays (if you select
“0”, Alignment will begin).
3. The Arrow keys are now activated. Press the
Arrow keys (Pg. 19, Fig. 5, 5) to slew (move)