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Telescope 7" LX200 f/15 8" LX200 f/6.3 10" LX200 f/6.3
Optical Design Maksutov-Cassegrain Schmidt-Cassegrain Schmidt-Cassegrain
Catadioptric Catadioptric Catadioptric
Clear Aperture 178mm (7") 203mm (8") 254mm (10")
Primary Mirror Diameter 194mm (7.625") 209.6mm (8.25) 263.5mm (10.375)
Focal Length 2670mm (105") 1280mm (50.4") 1600mm (63")
Focal Ratio f/15 f/6.3 f/6.3
Resolution .64 arc sec. .56 arc sec .45 arc sec
Super Multi-Coatings standard Standard Standard
Limiting Visual Magnitude (approx) 13.5 14.0 14.5
Limiting Photographic Magnitude (approx) 16.0 16.5 17.0
Image Scale (°/inch) .55°/inch 1.14°/inch 0.91°/inch
Maximum Practical Visual Power 450X 500X 625X
Near Focus 50' 25' 50'
Optical Tube Size 9.1" Dia. x 19" Long 9.1" Dia. x 16" Long 11.75" Dia. x 22" Long
Secondary Mirror Obstruction 2.5" (12.8%) 3.45" (18.6%) 4.0" (16.0%)
Telescope Mounting Heavy-Duty Fork-Type Heavy-Duty Fork-Type Heavy-Duty Fork-Type
Double Tine Double Tine Double Tine
Setting Circle Diameters Dec.: 6"; R.A.: 8.75" Dec.: 6"; R.A.: 8.75" Dec.: 6"; R.A.: 8.75"
RA Motor Drive System 9-speed, microprocessor 9-speed, microprocessor 9-speed, microprocessor
controlled 12v. DC servo controlled 12v. DC servo controlled 12v. DC servo
motor; 5.75" worm gear motor; 5.75" worm gear motor; 5.75" worm gear
with Smart Drive with Smart Drive with Smart Drive
Hemispheres of Operation North and South - North and South - North and South -
switchable switchable switchable
Declination Control System 9-speed, DC servo 9-speed, DC servo 9-speed, DC servo
controlled 5.75" worm gear controlled 5.75" worm gear controlled 5.75" worm gear
with Dec drift software with Dec drift software with Dec drift software
Motor Drive Gear Diameter 5-3/4" Worm Gear 5-3/4" Worm Gear 5-3/4" Worm Gear
Manual Slow-Motion Controls Dec. and R.A. Dec. and R.A. Dec. and R.A.
Hand Controller Motorola 68HC05 Motorola 68HC05 Motorola 68HC05
microcontroller; 2 line x 16 microcontroller; 2 line x 16 microcontroller; 2 line x 16
alphanumeric character alphanumeric character alphanumeric character
display; 19 button keypad, display; 19 button keypad, display; 19 button keypad,
red LED backlit red LED backlit red LED backlit
Main Controller 16 MHz 68000 16 MHz 68000 16 MHz 68000
microprocessor; 1 Meg microprocessor; 1 Meg microprocessor; 1 Meg
program memory program memory program memory
16K RAM; 512 byte 16K RAM; 512 byte 16K RAM; 512 byte
non-volatile memory non-volatile memory non-volatile memory
Telescope Size, Swung Down 9.25" x 16" x 32.5" 9.25" x 16" x 25" 12" x 19" x 31"
35mm Angular Film Coverage 0.74° x 0.52° 1.55° x 1.08° 1.24° x 0.86°
35mm Linear Film Coverage @:
50" 4.7" x 6.6" 9.7" x 13.6" 7.75" x 10.9"
500" 4.6' x 6.5' 9.4' x 13.3' 7.5' x 10.7'
3000" 27.4' x 38.9' 56.3' x 79.7' 45.0' x 63.8'
Tele-Extender Used Without Eyepiece @:
50' 4.4" x 6.5" 9.1" x 13.3" 7.3" x 10.6"
500' 4.2' x 5.5' 7.7' x 14.1' 6.1' x 9.0'
3000' 24' x 34' 48' x 70' 39' x 56'
Net Telescope Weights (approx)
Telescope 45# 37# 61#
Optional Equatorial Wedge 7# 7# N/A
Optional Super Wedge N/A N/A 26#
Field Tripod 20# 20# 20#
Accessories 8# 8# 8#
Shipping Weights (approx)
Telescope 65# 64# (w/ case) 69#
Equatorial Wedge (optional) 9# 9# N/A
Super Wedge (optional) N/A N/A 38#
Field Tripod 26# 26# 26#
Case (for 10" models) N/A N/A
Accessories 5# 5# 5#