
A terrestrial object appears reversed left-for-right:
When using a Schmidt Cassegrain optical tube
an eyepiece in the standard 90° observing
position reverses an object left-for-right: To view a
correctly oriented image requires the optional #932
Erecting Prism.
Page 20).
Slew speed does not change when you change
slew speeds or the telescope moves slowly even
though the fast slew speed is chosen:
The battery power may be low. Replace all batteries
with fresh, new units.
Telescope does not track a celestial object:
Make sure that the telescope is correctly aligned.
See Easy (Two-Star) Align, Page 26, for more
Images through the eyepiece appear unfocused or
• The magni cation may be too high for the viewing
conditions. Back off to a lower power eyepiece (see
“Eyepiece Calc”, Page 41).
If inside a warm house or building, move outside.
Interior air conditions may distort terrestrial or
celestial images, making it dif cult, if not impossible,
to obtain a sharp focus. For optimal viewing, use
the telescope outside in the open air instead of
observing through an open or closed window
or screen.
If viewing a land object on a warm day, heat waves
will distort the image (see Terrestrial Observing,
Page 36).
For clear viewing of objects, turn the focus knob
(Page 8, Fig. 1, 11) slowly since the “in-focus”
point of a telescope is precise. Turning the focus
knob too quickly may cause the focus point to pass
without notice.
The optics within the telescope need time to adjust
to the outside ambient temperature to provide
the sharpest image. To cool down the optics, set
the telescope outside for 10 to 15 minutes before
observing begins.
Telescope moves off a terrestrial object while
Verify that the DEC and RA locks are tight (see
LX80 KEY FEATURES, Page 8, Fig 1, 29
and 30).
Telescope pauses when changing slew direction:
This pause is normal.
If you have a question concerning your LX80
telescope, call the Meade Instruments Customer
Service Department at (800) 626-3233. Customer
Service hours are 7:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Paci c
Time, Monday through Friday. In the unlikely event
that the LX80 requires factory servicing or repairs,
before returning the telescope to the factory, write
or call the Meade Customer Service Department
to provide an explanation of the problem, as well as
your name, address and daytime telephone number.
The great majority of servicing issues can be resolved
by telephone, avoiding return of the telescope to
the factory.
AudioStar #497 HANDBOX
Customer Service