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12vDC Outlet
The 12vDC Outlet accepts a #607 Power Cord (See OPTIONAL
ACCESSORIES, page 12) for powering the 16" Starfinder
Equatorial Telescope from a 12vDC automobile cigarette lighter
plug. While the recommended supply voltage is 12vDC, the
telescope will operate in a range of 6-18vDC.
After the secondary mirror assembly has been installed, it will be
necessary to collimate, or align the secondary mirror with the
primary mirror.
1. Correct Collimation
A properly collimated (aligned) mirror system in the Starfinder
Reflecting telescope assures the sharpest images possible.
The Starfinder is properly aligned when the primary mirror (3),
Fig. 3, and secondary mirror (2), Fig. 3, are tilted so that the
focused image (6), Fig. 3, falls directly through the center of the
focuser drawtube (5), Fig. 3.
To inspect the view of the mirror collimation, remove the
eyepiece and look down the focuser drawtube. The round edge
of the focuser drawtube (1), Fig. 5, will frame the reflections of
the primary mirror with the secondary mirror (2), Fig. 5, the
spider vanes (3), Fig. 5, and your eye (4), Fig. 5. Properly
aligned, all of these reflections will appear concentric (i.e.
centered) as illustrated in Fig. 5. Any deviation from the
concentric reflections will require adjustments to the secondary
mirror assembly (Fig. 4), and/or the primary mirror cell.
Fig. 4: Secondary Mirror Assembly. (1) Spider Vanes; (2) Tilt
Screws; (3)Secondary Mirror Holder.
Face-on view Edge-on view
2. Spider Vane Adjustments
Looking down the open end of the telescope tube, check to see
if the secondary mirror system is centered in the optical tube. If
the assembly is off-center, loosen one of the spider vane
adjustment/lock knobs while unscrewing the opposite knob.
Only make adjustments to 2 knobs at a time until the secondary
mirror is centered in the drawtube. When the spider vane is
correctly positioned, the view through the drawtube will look like
Fig. 7. (Note that the secondary mirror is misaligned.)
3. Secondary Mirror Adjustments
If the secondary mirror (1), Fig. 7, is centered in the drawtube
(2), Fig. 7, but the primary mirror is only partially visible in the
reflection (3), Fig. 7, the 3 hex screws located on the secondary
mirror assembly (2), Fig. 4, must be unthreaded slightly to refine
the tilt-angle of the secondary mirror until the entire primary
mirror can be seen centered within the secondary mirror
reflection. When the secondary mirror is correctly aligned, it will
look like Fig. 8. (Note that the primary mirror is misaligned.)
Fig. 5: Correct Collimation. (1) Round Edge of Focuser Drawtube;
(2) Secondary Mirror; (3) Spider vanes; (4) Eye.
Fig. 6: Spider Vane Misalignment. (1) Secondary Mirror;
(2) Round Edge of Focuser Drawtube.
Fig. 7: Secondary Mirror Misalignment. (1) Secondary Mirror;
(2) Round Edge of Focuser Drawtube; (3) Reflection of Primary Mirror.
Fig. 8: Primary Mirror Misalignment. (1) Secondary Mirror; (2)
Round Edge of Focuser Drawtube; (3) Eye.