
PCI-DAS64/M2/16 User's Guide Specifications
Noise performance
Table 8
Table 8. Noise performance specifications
summarizes the worst case noise performance for the PCI-DAS64/M2/16. Noise distribution is
determined by gathering 50 K samples with inputs tied to ground at the user connector. Samples are gathered at
the maximum specified single-channel sampling rate. Specification applies to both single-ended and differential
modes of operation.
Range ±2 counts ±1 count MaxCounts LSBrms (Note 2)
± 5.000 V 60% 40% 22 3.3
± 2.500 V 60% 40% 24 3.6
± 1.250 V 60% 40% 26 3.9
± 0.625 V 45% 30% 32 4.8
0 to +5.000 V 60% 40% 24 3.6
0 to +2.500 V 60% 40% 26 3.9
0 to +1.250 V 45% 30% 32 4.8
Note 2: RMS noise is defined as the peak-to-peak bin spread divided by 6.6.
Analog output
Table 9. Analog output specifications
Resolution 16-bits
Number of channels 2
Voltage range ±5 V
Monotonicity Guaranteed monotonic over temperature
Analog output zero drift ±1.6 LSB/°C
Overall analog output drift ±4.0 LSB/°C
Slew rate 2.5 V/µs
Settling time FS step to .0008%: 6µs max, all ranges
Current drive ±15 mA
Output short-circuit duration Indefinite @25 mA
Output coupling DC
Output impedance 0.1
Power up and reset DACs cleared to 0 V±75 mV max
Table 10. Analog output — absolute accuracy specifications
Table 10
Range Absolute accuracy
± 5 V ±16.0 LSB
Table 11 Analog output — accuracy components specifications
Range Gain error (LSB) Offset error (LSB) DLE (LSB) ILE (LSB)
±5.0 V ±10.0 max ±5.0 max ±1.0 max ±1.0 max
Each PCI-DAS64/M2/16 is tested at the factory to assure the board’s overall error does not exceed the absolute
accuracy limits listed in .