PMD-1024HLS User's Guide Functional Details
If you want to sink the maximum of 64 mA per DIO line, you can only do so with up to six lines (440 mA
รท 64 mA/line = 6.8 โ 6 lines). To sink current with all 24 DIO outputs at any one time, you can sink a
maximum of 18 mA per line.
Ground terminals
The nine ground (GND) connections are identical, and provide a common ground for all PMD-1024HLS
functions. Refer to the pinout diagram on page 3-2 for the location of the GND terminal.
Counter terminal
Pin 20 (CTR) is the input to the 32-bit external event counter. Refer to the pinout diagram on page 3-2
for the location of this terminal. The internal counter increments when the TTL levels transition from low
to high. The counter can count frequencies of up to 1 MHz.
Pull-up/pull-down terminals
You can wire pin 11 (Port C Pull-up/Pull-down), pin 13 (Port B Pull-up/Pull-down), and pin 15 (Port
A Pull-up/Pull-down) to support a pull-up or pull-down connection. These terminals configure the
internal 47K resistors on the PMD-1024HLS.
Refer to the pinout diagram on page 3-2 for the location of these terminals. These terminals are
configured as open by default.
๎ To configure a pull-up connection for a specific port, wire the pull-up/pull-down terminal to a
USB +5 V terminal.
Figure 3-5. Pull-up connection for Port A