USB-1616HS-2 User's Guide Specifications
Note 1: Specifications assume differential input single-channel scan, 1 MHz scan rate, unfiltered,
CMV=0.0 V, 30 minute warm-up, exclusive of noise, range is +FS to -FS.
Note 2: Noise reflects 10,000 samples at 1 MHz, typical, differential short.
Table 3. Thermocouple (TC) types and accuracy (Note 3)
TC type Temperature range (°C) Accuracy (±°C) Noise typical (±°C)
J -200 to + 760 1.7 0.2
K -200 to + 1200 1.8 0.2
T -200 to + 400 1.8 0.2
E -270 to + 650 1.7 0.2
R -50 to + 1768 4.8 1.5
S -50 to + 1768 4.7 1.5
N -270 to + 1300 2.7 0.3
B +300 to + 1400 3.0 1.0
Note 3: Assumes 16384 oversampling applied, CMV = 0.0V, 60 minute warm-up, still environment, and
25 °C ambient temperature; excludes thermocouple error; TC
= 0° C for all types except B
(1000 °C), TR-2U power supply for external power.
Analog outputs
Analog output channels can be updated synchronously relative to scanned inputs, and clocked from either an
internal onboard clock, or an external clock source. Analog outputs can also be updated asynchronously,
independent of any other scanning system.
Table 4. Analog output specifications
Channels 2
Resolution 16-bits
Data buffer PC-based memory
Output voltage range ±10 V
Output current ±1 mA
Sourcing more current (1 to 10 mA) may require a TR-2U power supply.
Offset error ±0.0045 V maximum
Digital feed-through <10 mV when updated
DAC analog glitch <12 mV typical at major carry
Gain error ±0.01%
Coupling DC
Update rate 1 MHz maximum, resolution 20.83 ns
Settling time 2 µs to rated accuracy
Pacer sources Four programmable sources:
Onboard output scan clock, independent of input scan clock
Onboard input scan clock
External output scan clock (DPR), independent of external input scan clock (APR)
External input scan clock (APR)
Trigger sources Start of input scan