Possible cause Solution
Bread sinks in the centre
Too much liquid or liquid too warm Measure ingredients accurately. Use liquids at
temperatures between 21°C and 28°C
Salt was not added, causing bread to Measure ingredients accurately
over rise and collapse
,stsisrep melborp fi ,yletarucca stneidergni erusaeMdedda saw tsaey hcum ooT
reduce yeast by
High humidity and hot ambient temperatures Bake during the coolest part of the day,
can cause bread to over rise and collapse Try reducing the yeast by
teaspoon or use liquids
direct from the refrigerator.
Do not use the timer function
High altitudes can cause the bread to over rise Try reducing the yeast by
and then collapse during baking
gnikab gnirud dil eht nepo ton oDgnikab gnirud nepo si diL
Bread did not rise enough
yletarucca stneidergni erusaeMdedda saw tsaey hguone toN
ecalp krad ,looc a ni erotS .tsaey detadtuo esu reveNevitcani ro detadtuo si tsaeY
yletarucca stneidergni erusaeMdedda saw ragus elttil ooT
Too much salt was added, reducing the Measure ingredients accurately
action of the yeast
Water was too hot and killed the yeast Use liquids at temperatures between 21°C and 28°C
Yeast has been activated before program has started Take care that yeast does not come in contact with
liquid before program has started
Bread rises too much
High humidity and hot ambient temperatures can Bake during the coolest part of the day. Try reducing
morf yltcerid sdiuqil esu ro noopsaet 4/1 yb tsaey ehtesir revo ot daerb esuac
the refrigerator. Do not use the Timer function
yletarucca stneidergni erusaeMtsaey hcum ooT
yletarucca stneidergni erusaeMdiuqil hcum ooT
Hot liquids accelerated the yeast action Use liquids at temperatures between 21°C and 28°C
Too much our or not enough salt Measure ingredients accurately
Bread dry with dense texture
yletarucca stneidergni erusaeMdedda diuqil hguone toN
Flour may be passed use by date, or be dry causing Try increasing liquid by 1 tablespoon at a time
wet/dry imbalance
MW_CObm26500_Mabaker_IM.indd 22MW_CObm26500_Mabaker_IM.indd 22 12/15/2008 1:53:47 PM12/15/2008 1:53:47 PM