353Emergency engine shut-down
and controls
Operation Driving
cluster display
Practical hints Car care Index
Batteries contain materials that can harm the
environment if disposed of improperly. Recycling of
batteries is the preferred method of disposal. For
disposal, please follow manufacturer’s recommendation
on battery package.
Replacement Battery:
Lithium, type CR 2025 or equivalent.
Synchronizing remote control
The remote control may have to be resynchronized, if
the vehicle cannot be locked or unlocked.
To synchronize insert electronic key in starter switch.
The remote control should once again be operational.
Emergency engine shut-down
If the engine can no longer be stopped using the
electronic key, the engine can be turned off by removing
two fuses.
For easy removal of fuses use the fuse puller (located in
the auxiliary fuse box in the trunk) to pull out the fuses
marked on the fuse chart as “ENGINE EMERGENCY
The fuse chart is located in the fuse box in the
passenger compartment.
For fuses see page 311.