Controls in detail
Good visibility
Windshield wipers
Information on the windshield wipers
୴ page 47) is found in the “Getting start-
ed” section.
Intermittent wiping
Windshield wipers without rain sensor
At speeds of approximately 105 mph
(170 km/h) the wiper switches automati-
cally to continuous wiping. Always obey lo-
cal speed limits.
Windshield wipers with rain sensor*
The rain sensor controls the windshield
wipers automatically according to the
amount of water on the windshield.
̈ Switch ignition on.
̈ Set the wiper switch to position 1
୴ page 47).
One initial wipe, pauses between wipes
are automatically controlled by the rain
sensor monitoring wetness of wind-
If leaves, snow, etc. block the wind-
shield wipers, the wiper motor turns
ț For safety reasons, withdraw key
from steering lock. Remove block-
ț Turn the windshield wipers on
If windshield wipers fail to function at
all in switch position 1,
ț set the wiper switch to the next
highest wiper speed.
ț have the windshield wipers
checked at the nearest authorized
Mercedes-Benz Light Truck Center.
Intermittent wiping is interrupted when
the vehicle is at standstill and a front
door is opened.
To prevent damage of the windshield
wipers, do not leave the wiper switch in
intermittent setting, when the vehicle
is taken to an automatic car wash or
when cleaning the windshield.
The switch should not be left in inter-
mittent setting as the wipers will wipe
the windshield once every time the en-
gine is started. Dust that accumulates
on the windshield might scratch the
glass when wiping occurs on a dry
When intermittent wiping is on and the
key is turned from position 1 to
position 2 in the steering lock
୴ page 33), and kept in that position
for longer than 2 seconds, the wipe in-
terval will be set to approximately