Technical terms
ntilock Brake System)
Prevents the wheels from locking up
during braking so that the vehicle can
continue to be steered.
daptive Damping System)
Automatically adapts the optimum sus-
pension damping to prevailing driving
Airmatic DC
irmatic Dual Control)
Automatically selects the optimum sus-
pension tuning and ride height for your
vehicle. Airmatic consists of two com-
ț Adaptive Damping System
ț Vehicle level control
Alignment bolt
Metal pin with thread. The centering
pin is an aid used when changing a tire
to align the wheel with the wheel hub.
rake Assist System)
System for potentially reducing braking
distances in emergency braking situa-
tions. The system is activated when it
senses an emergency based on how
fast the brake is applied.
Bi-Xenon headlamps*
Headlamps which use an electric arc as
a light source and produce a more in-
tense light than filament headlamps.
Bi-Xenon headlamps produce low
beam and high beam.
ustomer Assistance Center)
Mercedes-Benz customer service cen-
ter which can help you with any ques-
tions about your vehicle and provide
assistance in the event of a break-
CAN system
ontroller Area Network)
Data bus network serving to control ve-
hicle functions such as door locking or
windshield wiping.
ommon-Rail Direct Injection)
Diesel fuel injection technology where
all cylinders share a common diesel
fuel supply line. Fine injection nozzles
provide for highly accurate metering
that reduces diesel fuel consumption.
All instruments, switches, buttons and
indicator/warning lamps in the passen-
ger compartment needed for vehicle
operation and monitoring.