Light alloy wheels
Cleaning 346
Technical data 434, 435
Light sensor see Lamp sensor
Lighter see Cigarette lighter
Parking lamps 118
Lighting, Exterior and interior 118
Limp Home Mode 169
Loading see Vehicle loading
Loading terminology 331
Loading the vehicle 307
Locator lighting 121, 150
Locking knob 451
Loss of keys 102
Loss of Service and Warranty Information
Booklet 427
Low beam headlamps
Indicator lamp 25
Messages in display 378, 379
Replacing bulbs 398, 401
Switching on 52
Lubricants 440
Technical data 440
Lumbar support* 112
Main dimensions 438
Main fuse box
In passenger compartment 422
Mainodometer 130
Maintenance 12, 338
Calling up service indicator
display 339
Clearing service indicator
message 339
FSS (Canada vehicles) 338
Maintenance System
(U.S. vehicles) 338
Resetting service indicator 340
Service indicator message 338
Service term exceeded 339
Maintenance System
(U.S. vehicles) 338, 451
Manual headlamp mode see Headlamps
Manual seat see Seat, Manual 36
Manual transmission 160, 161
Gearshift lever 48, 161
Shift positions 161
Starting the engine 49
Maximum load rating, Tires 332
Maximum loaded vehicle weight 332
Maximum tire inflation pressure 332
MB Tex upholstery, Cleaning and
care of 348
Mechanical key 389
Memory function* see Steering wheel
Menus see Control system
Microphone, Hands-free 29
Minispare wheel see Spare wheel
Adjusting 43
Auto-dimming* 171
Exterior rear view mirror 43
Exterior rear view mirror,
Parking position* 117, 154, 172
Interior rear view mirror 43, 170
MOE tires see MOExtended system*
(Canada only)
MOExtended system* 411
MOExtended system* (Canada only) 320
MON 452
Motor Octane Number see MON
Multicontour seats* (Canada only) 113
Multifunction display 130, 452
Changing settings see Contro system
menus and Control system