Controls in detail
Useful features
̈ Push down cover plate 1 to close
The cover plate engages.
Power outlet
The power outlet is located in the rear pas-
senger compartment.
1 Power outlet
2 Cover
̈ Switch on the ignition (୴ page 33).
̈ Pull at top of cover 2.
̈ Flip cover 1 to the left and insert
electrical plug (cigarette lighter type).
The lighter socket can be used to ac-
commodate 12V DC electrical acces-
sories (up to a maximum of 85 W)
designed for use with the standard
“cigarette lighter” plug type. Keep in
mind, however, that connecting acces-
sories to the lighter socket (for exam-
ple extensive connecting and
disconnecting, or using plugs that do
not fit properly) can damage the lighter
socket. With the socket damaged, the
lighter may no longer be able to be
placed in the heating (pushed-in) posi-
tion, or the lighter may pop out too ear-
ly with the lighter not hot enough.
To help avoid damaging the cigarette
lighter socket, we recommend con-
necting 12V DC electrical accessories
designed for use with the standard
“cigarette lighter” plug type to the 12V
power outlets (
୴ page 263) in your ve-
hicle whenever possible.
The power outlet can be used to
accommodate 12V DC electrical ac-
cessories (e.g. air pump, auxiliary
lamps) up to a maximum of 180 W.