Control systems
COMAND navigation system (during route guidance)
Cancel route guidance
̈ Select “Destination” Ǟ “Cancel Route
Guidance” in map view with the menu
system displayed (
୴ page 148).
Continuing cancelled route guidance
̈ Select “Destination” Ǟ “Continue
Route Guidance” in map view with the
menu system displayed (
୴ page 148).
COMAND calculates the route.
Route browser
̈ Select “Route” Ǟ “Route Browser” in
map view with the menu system dis-
played (
୴ page 148).
The route browser appears.
1 Highlighted route section
2 Current vehicle position; the triangle in-
dicates the vehicle’s direction of travel
3 Information about the highlighted route
̈ Displaying next or previous route
section: Select “Next” or “Previous”.
̈ Increasing or reducing size of the
map: Select ; or :.
̈ Closing route browser:
Select “Back”.
The route browser shows an overview of the
route. You can use the route browser to move
along the route section by section and view infor-
mation about and details of each section of the
The information 3 about the marked route
section shows the street name and the length of
the route section. Marked route section 1 is al-
ways highlighted in white and outlined in red.