Controls in detail
Audio system
Audio and telephone, operation
These instructions are intended to help
you become familiar with your
Mercedes-Benz audio system. They con-
tain useful tips and a detailed description
of the user functions.
Audio system overview
Warning! G
In order to avoid distraction which could
lead to an accident, the driver should enter
system settings with the vehicle at a
standstill and operate the system only when
road and traffic conditions permit. Always
pay full attention to traffic conditions first
before operating system controls while
Bear in mind that at a speed of just 30 mph
(approximately 50 km/h), your car is
covering a distance of 44 feet
(approximately 14 m) every second.
Item Page
1 Audio display 180
2 Opening button 180
3 Audio control unit 177
Item Page
4 Delete button 184
5 Audio controller 182
6 Back button 184