
Controls in detail
Audio system
Playing CDs
Additional button functions
In CD mode, you can use two additional
buttons on the telephone keypad:
ô displays information about the
track, if this has been saved
with the track on the CD.
ó enables you to enter the track
number directly.
Example display in audio CD mode
1 Track number
2 Track name (only if saved on the disc)
3 Elapsed track time
4 Disc name (only if saved on the disc)
5 Disc number (CD changer*)
6 Disc type
Example display in MP3 mode
1 Track number
2 File name
3 Elapsed track time
4 Mode
5 Folder name (only if saved on the disc)
6 Disc number (CD changer*)
7 Disc type
Pause function
̈ Pausing playback:
Press F briefly.
̈ Continuing playback: Press F
again briefly.
The following section is valid for the single
CD player and the CD changer*. The illustrations
show the audio display of the CD changer*.